Aiden Rohde


My personal website.

View My GitHub Profile


My name is Aiden and this is my personal website, a place to link together my online profiles and host a few of my personal projects. For the avoidance of doubt, my first name is really John, but only the government calls me that.


LinkedIn - work history and essays

GitHub - personal code and projects

GitLab - more code, mostly for Safety in Numbers :P

Instagram - occasional pics of adventures outside of work

Medium - a few essays and ideas a year

Twitter - infrequent announcements and quick thoughts

Strava - sometimes I post my workouts


Safety in Numbers - My day job, a social enterprise using big data to save lives on the roads

Reddit Stonk Trader - a fun personal project trading stocks based on r/wallstreetbets

Green Thumb - a simple plant monitoring system I’m developing for my home garden

Wordpress Blog - a blog that I no longer maintain